Poesia com Elos

“Poesia com Elos” is a photographic project conceived and developed entirely by female photographer and conceptual artist Pamela Facco, 35, born and resident in São Paulo, Brazil.

The proposal of this work is to put nudity back in its biological role, normalizing the body as just skin, as being the home of the soul and the greatest artistic power of the human being. Therefore, removing nudity from the sexual and erotic place in which sexism imprisoned it.
Pamela appropriates the leading role always given to men in history of art and inverts the masculine gaze to the woman's body, as well as inserting male nudity in the same vulnerable place of being portrayed, giving the human body a gentle and de-eroticized view that only a woman could give.

The Project had its first photoshoot in 2016 and since then it has remained active surviving even several episodes of Instagram censorship which culminated in the first legal battle won in the courts by an artist agains Instagram, all the while constantly improving the concept, imagination 'Prägnanz', social function, and its strength as revolutionary art.

The art herein presented works with the naked body as its exclusive raw material. In this case, props, masks and scenographic constructions are pollutions that are almost always unnecessary to the concept explored by the photographer.

The project counts on and remains alive with the support of the community. The people portrayed in the collective photoshoots are enthusiasts, supporters and participants of the cause. The assembly of those groups is voluntary after a monthly recruitment via the project’s Instagram profile.

The participants are neither professional models nor artists and this is an essential part of the truth of the compositions. They are real, plural bodies and souls with similar expectations of experiencing freedom and self-acceptance. There is no aesthetic curatorship among these volunteers. There is only one virtual interview to analyze whether the person is ideologically apt to join this artistic endeavor.

The groups are formed by ethical alignment, chosen by the artist and not by a pattern or lack of pattern in their bodies. Thus, the unity given by the naked skin dressing the human skeleton is both essential and irrelevant to the construction of the scene: we are talking about corporeal composition, but regardless of how the body presents itself socially, at “Poesia” it will be undressed, welcomed, accepted and blossomed into art.

Skinny bodies, strong bodies, flabby bodies, bulky bodies, colorful bodies, fat bodies and any possible variables. All of them will be equally respected and revered in this project. In the artist's view, the body is the most precious asset of our lives, regardless of what the sickness of consumerist society standards may impose.